Outdoor Shooting Range Construction

Green Orange Construction Professionals have a deep knowledge and understanding of geotechnical construction combined with the tactical military experience of our elite special forces consultants, allowing us to create a division dedicated to design-build solutions for outdoor tactical training facilities.

We design and build outdoor shooting ranges conforming with NRA requirement that are durable, safe, and proven. Our ranges are optimized to fit high backstops and sidewall while still being able to carve out the maximum amount of training space. Our solutions are designed to minimize maintenance while avoiding walls settlements and stormwater management issues. Green Orange Construction Professionals can cover all aspects of the range: from the site preparation, backstops, sidewalls, drainage, parking, bays, facilities, target systems, tactical obstacles, barricades, and other tactical aspects. We will customize the range to fit your exact specifications. No more erosion on your berms, height limitations, settlements of the walls, and water puddles after heavy rains. Our ranges have a neat, professional, and organized look. We offer the same services as well for outdoor shoot houses for Close Quarter Battle (CQB) training, as a stand-alone facility or joint to your shooting range. We serve both the private industry as well as law enforcement and military clients.

21 ft tall backstop
21 ft tall backstop


  • Outdoor shooting range construction
  • Shoot house construction for CQB training
  • Target systems installation
  • Obstacle systems installation
  • Site grading
  • Walls foundation preparation
  • Backstop and sidewalls
  • Bullet traps
  • Drainage and erosion control
  • Utilities
  • Concrete pumping


  • Tactical outdoor training facilities
  • Private shooting range
  • Commercial shooting range
  • Shooting range for LE and military
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