We provide design-build soil retention services, used to stabilize the soil as the excavation progresses, hence called top-to-bottom techniques. The main advantage of these solutions is the possibility to have a permanent retaining structure while the excavation take place, versus excavating in one phase and installing a retaining wall in a second phase. However, each project must be analyzed independently to evaluate the safest best technical and economical solutions.
Typical applications are basements, mountainside slope cuts, bridges and underpinning.
To reach sufficient stability, structural elements such soil nails, tieback, piles or a combination of these are installed. Facing may be rigid (shotcrete) or flexible (nettings) depending on design, soil properties and site conditions. The structural components interact with the soil by either applying or resisting load, called active or passive reinforcements respectively.

Soil retention solutions may be designed as temporary structures (i.e. temporary shoring) or permanent structures (i.e. soil nail permanent retaining walls).
The walls can be also designed considering the additional loads transferred from adjacent existing structures, typically for new high-rises in urban areas. This scope is known as underpinning.
We apply similar principals for underground preventative support of excavation, in order to control convergence and extrusion.

- Soil nail walls
- Tiebacks & soil anchors installation
- Piles and micropiles
- Helical piles installation
- Pile and lagging walls
- Cantilever pile walls
- Sheet pile walls
- Shotcrete application
- Existing walls rehabilitation
- Tunnel primary lining: bolts, nails, ribs, shotcrete
- Halfway up slope cuts
- Mountainside slope cuts
- Temporary shoring
- Earth retention
- Soil stabilization
- Soil retention
- Deep foundations
- Underpinning
- Soil nails walls for basements and garages
- Shoring for cut & cover
- Foundations on softs soils
- Trenching
- Grading
- Stopping ground water infiltrations
- Rehabilitation of existing retaining structures
- Support of excavation for underground construction